Are all the kids gone? Or are you simply looking to downsize your home? This is what you need to know about downsizing…

After all the kids have moved out, many empty nesters in Greater Toronto Area realize they don’t need as much space as they used to. Maybe there are empty bedrooms sitting vacant or bathrooms you never use. Or maybe you just want to downsize your home to reduce costs and lower bills.

Like a growing number of boomers in Canada, you may be hesitant to let go of your home. But sometimes relocating for a new life chapter is worth the effort. Whatever you’re trying to accomplish in this phase of life, there are some strategies that will make it easier.

We’ve prepared a special report called, “The Empty Nester; How To Sell A Place You Call Home.” It will give you the best tips to downsize your home and getting it sold in Ontario.

1. Understand Why You Want to Sell, Even in Uncertain Economic Times

If you decide to downsize your home and sell in the current market, our team will be able to help you find homebuyers. Especially since the supply of homes for sale has been so low.

But make sure you keep your reasons to yourself!

A favorite tactic of cutthroat investors is to find desperate sellers who will give up profits.

Don’t give anyone a negotiating advantage by telling them things like:

You’re the only person who needs to know why you’re selling your home. Let everyone else guess.

2. Get the most money back out of your investment

If you and your spouse are empty nesters, you’ve likely owned your home for many years. Even if you haven’t, you’ve probably built up equity.

Don’t throw away any part of your investment just because you didn’t properly prepare your home for sale. This means making it highly appealing to potential homebuyers.

You want your house to be perfectly clean for viewings. Even a slight perception of a dirty environment can cause buyers to lower their offer price.

Make all the needed repairs, maintenance, or upgrades necessary to generate buyer interest.

Clean up clutter and reduce the amount of personal items in view. If you don’t, it can prevent buyers from imagining themselves living in your home.

Most people end up making a decision to buy based on how a home makes them feel. If you can make yours inviting and appealing, you’ll get higher offers.

3. Don’t move to your new home before the previous one is sold

Another thing that can make it harder to sell a home is leaving it empty. If you move out before it’s sold, buyers may think there’s something wrong with it or you’re in a hurry.

Buyers use any excuse they can to reduce the sale price, including the fact that no one lives there!

In addition, you don’t want to end up with a house sitting on the market, unable to get it sold.

Downsize Your Home: Our team will make sure you love your new home – or we’ll buy it back!

When it comes time to buy a new home in Greater Toronto Area, use Your Home Sold Guaranteed Jan’s Realty Team.

Jan Szybalski and his team will make sure you find the perfect home to suit your needs. In fact, we’re so confident, we’ll guarantee it in writing!

A special program called Will Buy it Back – Guaranteed! makes sure you’re covered. If you don’t like your new home for any reason, we’ll buy it back. That’s a promise.

To join other empty nesters in Greater Toronto Area, or if you just want to downsize your home, and get your home sold fast and for top dollar, call us.

You can fill out the form for more information or give us a call at 416-272-6363
