Tips on Making a Move with a Pet Less Stressful

If you are moving and have a pet, you are probably wondering how you move with a pet to a new house.

Pets typically don’t like change. When big changes like a move happen, it’s likely that your pet will start to act up. The last thing you need on moving day is an unruly pet!

We’ve put together a special report titled “Pet Owners – Tips to Making Your Move Easier on Your Pets.” To access this report, simply complete the form below.

Here are 3 tips for moving with your pets:

  1. Pack Your Pet’s Special Area Last
  2. Pet-Proof Your New Home
  3. Secure Your Pet on Moving Day
  4. Don’t Wait Until Moving Day to Try Out Your Crate
1. When Moving with a Pet, Pack Your Pet’s Special Area Last

Most pets have a special area of the home that they consider “theirs”. This may be where their food bowls are or maybe a special sleeping area. To minimize the changes your pet will go through, consider packing up these areas last.

Once you do pack these areas, be sure to unpack them first thing on moving day. Setting out your pet’s food and water bowls or sleeping cushion will help them feel more comfortable quicker in their new space.

2. Pet-Proof Your New Home

It’s also a good idea to pet-proof your new home. Make sure that all electrical cords are put away. Check to make sure that no poisonous insect traps have been left behind by the new owners. Inspect windows and doors to ensure that the screens are intact. You may also want to check the flowerbeds for any plants that are poisonous to your furry friend.

3. Secure Your Pet on Moving Day

Most pets are skittish about change, especially when that change – the move – is loud and chaotic. When pets feel this kind of stress, their fight or flight instinct kicks in. This means that there is a high probability that your pet may try to make a run for it and escape out a door or window.

To prevent your pet from running away, consider shutting your pet in a familiar room on moving day. You could also ask a friend or family member to pet-sit during your move to keep your pet safe.

4. Don’t Wait Until Moving Day to Try Out Your Crate

Finally, don’t wait until the last minute to introduce your pet to their crate. Start early and slowly. A couple of weeks before the moving day, put your pet in their crate for short periods of time. It’s also a good idea to get them accustomed to riding in the car in their crate ahead of time. Take your pet on short trips around the neighborhood in the car to get them used to be in such a confined space.

For more tips on how to move with pets, or to sell your house with Your Home Sold Guaranteed Jan’s Realty Team, call us at 416-272-6363, contact us here, or fill out the form below.
