Applewood Homes You Can't Find On HouseSigma, Zolo or

Are you tired of looking at overpriced, picked-over homes online? Would you like free access to homes not on the market? Let me explain one of the biggest problems we’re seeing in real estate right now: the shortage of inventory.

I’m hearing from sellers and buyers alike that they want to move to a house but can’t find the next house. Well, the biggest problem is that there is a shortage of real estate online for buyers to buy out here.

This has been happening for quite some time. Actually, since before 2020, we’ve seen a lack of inventory out there, and it’s been getting smaller and smaller every single year. The issue really isn’t that more houses are selling; it is just that more houses are selling offline, meaning they’re not even coming on the market, and they’re being scooped up.

We can find you Applewood Homes, which you can’t find on HouseSigma, Zolo or, by using our target marketing system. We’ll bring you through the property and see if you’re interested. Now, keep in mind as we show you these properties, these homes are not listed for sale. There’s no for sale sign on the front lawn, it’s probably not in showroom condition, the Seller is just looking to sell the property and not put the house on the market. But you can benefit with a specific target marketing program because these homes are not listed as I said, so you’re able to beat out the other buyers to the property.

Getting started is easy! Just fill out the form and click the SUBMIT button to begin.
