Do You Need a Real Estate Listing Ad?

If you’re selling your home in Mississauga, you are probably wondering “how do you write up a real estate listing ad” and “how do you write a property description”. These are common questions that the average person who is not experienced with real estate will have.

Should you just try your best? Model your listing off of one you found on the Internet?

Your home is your most valuable asset. As such, you can imagine how important the wording of your real estate listing is. You don’t want to leave anything to chance when the sale of a home is on the line.

Few people realize how much the exact word used matters. The addition or subtraction of one word – or even one letter – can make all the difference. In fact, one letter can mean the difference between 4 weeks on the market or $20,000 on the sale price!

Each homebuyer is interested in certain aspects and features of a home. How do you know which ones to include and how to word them?

For example, which is best: backyard, fenced backyard, or fenced-in backyard? Which will get you the most demand for your property?

With Your Home Sold Guaranteed Jan’s Realty Team, we take the pressure off you by crafting every ad and piece of content.

We leave nothing to chance when it comes to selling a home. We use an exclusive state-of-the-art ad-writing program that guarantees result for real estate listing ads.

Our Exclusive Ad-Writing Program Creates Real Estate Ad Listings That Sell Fast!

Jan Szybalski has written thousands of real estate listing ads. He personally writes or approves every piece of copy for every home.

Jan Szybalski is one of only a handful of agents with the licensing rights to cutting-edge software. This software was developed over 5 years and was created with an investment of $250,000.

If you understand supply and demand, you will appreciate our use of this program. With our software, we can create the most demand for your property – getting you the best possible price.

We aren’t the only ones who understand the importance of marketing copy. Fortune 500 companies pay millions of dollars every year for marketing and ad copy. With our exclusive program, you can get the same level of expertise with your home sale.

With our exclusive ad-writing software, you can be sure that your home will sell fast and for top dollar.

We Guarantee Results When You Sell a House With Us

Unlike other real estate agencies in Mississauga, we offer several Guarantees when you sell a house with us. We Guarantee that your home will sell within your timeframe or we will pay you cash. We will also purchase your house at any time for a previously agreed upon price.

With our Guarantees, you’ll never have to worry about being stuck with two homes.

Let Jan Szybalski write your real estate ad and sit back and wait for the home buying offers to come pouring in!

To find out more, call us at 416-272-6363, contact us here, or fill out the form below.
