Don’t lose sleep when you sell a home in Peel Region, these steps work

Has the time come for you to sell a home in the Greater Toronto Area or surrounding areas of Ontario? Maybe you’ve been thinking about it for a while but you don’t know where to start.

Don’t worry!

This proven, step-by-step guide will help you sell a home fast and get the best price. For starters, you can get the 27 hottest tips to selling a home for free.

But that’s just the beginning. Selling a home is a huge decision with big financial consequences. You want to get it right and avoid mistakes that could cost thousands.

On this page, you’ll get tons of free info to make your home selling experience stress-free. Keep reading!

First, know your reasons for selling before you start

One of the fastest ways to lose money when selling a home in Mississauga, Oakville, Milton, ect., is not knowing why you want to sell.

This is dangerous because it could cause you to take the wrong approach when there are proven ways to get more money for your home.

Your reasons for selling will help you:

Check your pulse on the most common reasons to sell a home fast

Now that you know why it’s so important to identify why you’re selling a home in the Greater Toronto Area and surrounding areas, begin narrowing down what they are.

Here are a few of the most common ones:

There could be a thousand reasons for a homeowner to decide to sell. Are there others specific to your situation? Write them down and keep them as the main priority throughout the selling process.

Keep your cards close to the chest and don’t reveal your reasons when you sell a home

With your motivations for selling in your back pocket, make sure you don’t share these with anyone! It may seem secretive, but there’s a good reason for it if you want to get the best price.

Homebuyers in Peel Region are savvy. Most of them are on the lookout for distressed sellers who need to get a property off their hands fast. That’s why it’s important to be tight-lipped about why you want to sell.

If a buyer smells desperation, your negotiation position weakens significantly. When they ask why you’ve decided to sell, give a vague answer like, “My housing needs have changed.”

Confirming any of the reasons we listed above can be like blood in the water for a shark. In order to negotiate the best price, don’t let a homebuyer get an advantage.

That’s why we’re helping you avoid mistakes in selling your home fast.

Here’s what a skilled homebuyer might think if you confirm any of the reasons we listed for selling a home…

“I’m moving for work”

New jobs have start dates. If you need to be in your new location at a specific time, homebuyers will think you’ll take a lowball offer to sell your home in time to move.

“I need a bigger house”

Everyone has different needs for space. If a buyer believes the home is too small for you, it could make them question whether it’s also too small for them. Timing an upsize is tricky and this could kill the sale before it even starts.

“I’m downsizing”

Maybe you’re an empty nester, downsizing, or you just don’t have time for upkeep. If a buyer knows that, they may question whether the home has been properly cared for and drive a hard bargain on repair costs or back out altogether.

“My mortgage is too expensive”

When a buyer thinks you’re pressed for cash, they’re more likely to believe you’ve overpriced your home. But knowing exactly what your home is worth and not giving them room to question your financial situation will give you the upper hand.

“I’m getting divorced” or “I’m moving near family”

Telling a buyer too much information about your family situation could entice them to pressure you emotionally. Divorce, family, or medical issues can be painful and some sellers will accept lowball offers if they’re under too much emotional stress.

“I need to sell this investment”

Sometimes, homebuyers don’t want to buy investment properties. If they think it’s been rented out or poorly maintained, you could have trouble getting offers. Using a guaranteed home sale program could avoid this, even if buyers know it’s an investment.

“I don’t like the area”

If you don’t like Mississauga, Oakville, or Greater Toronto Area, the buyer may decide they don’t either. Many new homebuyers rely on the previous owner to confirm an area is desirable. If you don’t like your location, allow them to decide why they do.

Home prices in the Peel Region aren’t made up, get your hands on recent home sale info

Before you set the asking price, do some research.

Many home sellers love their house and feel they know its value. But the market doesn’t lie. Don’t let your home sit, never selling. But also – don’t miss out on profits!

Getting a list of recently sold homes in your area will help you give homebuyers an accurate list price. This can reduce the amount of negotiating you need to do and get your home sold faster.

Make sure you’re satisfied with your home sale by getting satisfaction guarantees from your realtor as well.

How to get current, local home prices and earn you the most money on your home

Knowing you need to price accurately for your local market is one thing. Getting real home sale information is another. Luckily, we have a free service to provide you with a list of recently sold homes in your area and Greater Toronto Area.

Also, there are some strategies to make a quick sale without sacrificing profits. Think about these situations…

Subdivision price gouges

Make sure you know how the home you’re selling is different from similar homes in the subdivision. If a homebuyer looks up sale prices for nearby properties, they’ll assume they know what your home is worth.

Take time to understand what features or upgrades on your home will make it worth more than a seemingly similar home in the same subdivision.

Variety of homes in older neighborhoods

Sometimes in older neighborhoods, it can be difficult to find comps because every house is different, with a different history, level of repair, and floorplan.

If it’s difficult to see how your home should be priced based on other properties in the neighborhood, you can easily ask an expert to help you assess your home’s value.

FSBO:  Selling without a realtor

There are ambitious home sellers who manage a “For Sale by Owner” deal. But if you’re trying to sell a home fast in Peel Region, it can be difficult on your own – though not impossible.

Remember you’ll likely have the same resources as prospective buyers. This means you need to do thorough research to accurately price your home and avoid losing profits.

Saving money on the commission for good realtors in Peel and Halton or other parts of Ontario won’t help you if you lose the same amount or more on your home’s sale price!

Get your eyes on other homes for sale, and shop as if you were a buyer

Searching the internet is a great way to start gathering information. But even better is taking the time to check out other homes for sale in Greater Toronto Area. Looking through the buyer’s eyes will help you make your home more appealing.

By home shopping yourself, you can compare:
Team up with a realtor who regularly sells homes fast in the area

Not all realtors in Ontario have the same level of experience or effectiveness. If you make a mistake in who you work with, you could be giving up thousands of dollars in profits.

Choosing a realtor wisely will not only get you more money, it will reduce the stress and headache of selling a home.

My team at Your Home Sold Guaranteed Jan’s Realty Team has a track record of selling homes fast. We can guarantee to sell quickly and for the most money.

The National Association of Realtors discovered that two thirds of people who sell a home on their own say they wouldn’t choose to do it again because it’s such a time waster.

Also, if you go around asking realtors uninformed questions, you may not end up with the best one. To avoid this, check out my free guide about questions real estate agents hate.

Take a look at Jan Szybalski, your best bet to sell a home fast in the GTA

I’m working hard to provide you with lots of free, proven information to help you get your home sold quickly. But even better than reading pages and pages about real estate strategies, I can just do it for you and take away the hassle.

My team at Your Home Sold Guaranteed Jan’s Realty Team can guarantee:

We may even get your home sold before it even hits the market. Getting started is easy and I’ll even give you a free home evaluation.

Make your home easy on the eyes so buyers don’t run the other way before looking inside!

We’ve all heard of “curb appeal” and you may think that sprucing up the yard won’t do much to get you a higher price, but the reality is surprising!

Humans make decisions based on emotion much more often than we like to admit. There’s a reason that some realtors have the smell of freshly baked cookies during an open house.

Making your home look, smell, and feel as inviting as possible will allow prospective homebuyers to imagine themselves living there – motivating them to make an offer for a higher price.

Even simple aesthetic things can make a big difference in the experience a buyer has viewing your home.

Here are a few easy things to can do to make your home appealing:
  1. Tidy up so people can imagine their belongings in the space
  2. Clean floors and dust everything
  3. Fix creaky hinges and sticky cabinets
  4. Replace lightbulbs so all lights work
  5. Clean up the yard and touch up the landscaping
  6. Make everything smell fresh (this is important!)

One of the first things that hits you when you walk into someone’s home is the smell. If it’s inviting and refreshing, it draws you in. If it makes your nose crinkle, that can kill a buyer’s desire instantly.

Different people are meticulous about different things in their homes. Making yours attractive from every angle will lift your home’s appeal above the competition.

Put your finger on the pulse of prospective homebuyers

Just like every home seller has reasons for selling, homebuyers also have individual motivations. When you know why someone is shopping, you have more leverage to negotiate.

If you find out what a buyer needs and you’re able to quickly meet that need, you can make a sale fast and negotiate the best price.

Does the buyer need housing fast? Are they eager to live in this location? Does your home have specific features they’re looking for? All of this information will help you get top dollar.

Moving out before you close the sale could leave your hands tied

One way to drain the life out of your home is to move out before it’s sold. Vacant homes take longer to sell because they have a hollow feeling of abandonment.

Even if you’ve just moved out, cold, empty rooms can hurt a buyer’s vision of their life in the space. It may also make them think you’ll accept a lower price because you want to get it off your hands.

It could literally take thousands off your sale price and get you stuck with poor offers.

Check how much a homebuyer can afford and know their deadlines

Homebuyers all want to get the lowest price possible. But they also have a maximum budget they can afford. If you know how much they’re qualified for, you can negotiate from a strong position.

Find out what kind of down payment they can make and how able they are to pay a fair price.

Plus, if you know they’re on a timeline, you have more leverage to close the deal. In fact, you may be on a deadline yourself and knowing how long it will take to sell will set you both at ease.

Be sure to deal with your head, not your heart if you want the best price

Most homeowners experience some emotion when they think about selling their home. Maybe you’ve lived there for years and have memories and attachments there. Don’t let that affect your business mind!

If you have to sell a home that you love, it’s in your best interest to get the best possible price for it. And if you do the job quickly and professionally, odds are the new owner will love it as much as you did.

These are the best tricks to quickly turn a lowball offer into a fair price

Smart homebuyers will often test the waters with an offer you both know is lower than reasonable. Don’t be surprised by this, just use a systematic approach to bargaining for what you know is fair.

Stay cool and don’t let it bruise your ego

Showing surprise or disappointment might encourage a low baller to press you in the negotiation. Remain cool and expect that some first offers will come in low.

In the meantime, make sure to check the offer for:

With this information, you’ll be able to come back to the table feeling confident and prepared.

Counter offer and stay strong

If you’re dealing with a serious buyer, you’ll be expected to return with a counter-offer. Don’t be nervous to stand firm near your asking price.

Since you did your homework on real market prices for homes recently sold in GTA, Mississauga, or Oakville, your position should be strong and qualified buyers will be willing to pay.

In the frustrating case of a home that just won’t sell, I know we’ll be able to help you. Give my team a call at 416-272-6363.

Secrets to get your Durham Region home sold fast, for cash

The best case scenario for you when you sell a home in the Greater Toronto Area or around Ontario is to get a cash offer that closes right away. Cutting out financing and down payments and selling for cash gives you more freedom and speeds up the whole ordeal.

But where do you find cash buyers?

My team at Your Home Sold Guaranteed Jan’s Realty Team has a database of qualified buyers who are ready to pay in cash. We can quickly use our marketing systems to attract the best offers for your home.

This is a valuable service that you want to use if you’re looking to get cash for your home.

Want to see results with your own eyes? Reach out and we’ll answer your questions

I’m confident that my team at Your Home Sold Guaranteed Jan’s Realty Team can sell a home in Greater Toronto Area for you fast and for the best price. That’s the Jan Szybalski guarantee!

After reading this guide, if you want more detailed information or have questions about your situation, please don’t hesitate to call us at 416-272-6363, contact us here.

You can also fill out this form for a quick and easy way to get started right now!
